For Skin care: Cleansing properties for acne and congested skin, minor burns, cuts, irritations. Has a cooling, refreshing, and stimulating effect on the skin and scalp.
For Personal care: Helps to purify and cleanse body and mind with soothing aroma-therapeutic benefits. Use in diffuser or steam inhalation to decongest. Antiseptic properties useful for natural cleaning aids in the home. May also aid in repelling insects. A useful ‘first-aid’ remedy.
Uses: To create a personalised skincare or body care oil or chest rub, blend a few drops with your chosen Natural Elements carrier oil. For diffusion and other personal care uses refer to our How To Use section.
Safety: Not recommended to apply essential oils directly to the skin or take internally. Keep away from children – eucalyptus can be toxic when ingested. Refer to our Safety guidelines.