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      By Huruliegn Shadiqe, Aromatherapist

      Do you experience problems achieving a good nights sleep? You are not alone.   You may be surprised to know that this is a common problem for more than 30% of the population across all age groups.  Sleep problems are different for each person with many different causes resulting in – difficulty falling or staying asleep, restless sleep, getting back to sleep after waking or waking up too early.

      Surveys show sleep deprivation causes disruptive symtoms such as fatigue, depleted energy, irritability and poor memory that can interfere with even the most routine activities. 

      Here are a few health and lifestyle tips that may help to improve the quality of sleep and promote relaxation and restfulness:

      1. Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule
        • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time as much as possible every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's internal clock.
      2. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine
        • Over stimulation to your brain affects sleep.  Wind down and create enjoyable pre-sleep rituals, such as reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation exercises like meditation or deep breathing. Hint: Diffuse Natural Elements Aromatherapy relaxing essential oils before bedtime to create a calming mood or use Be Calm roller ball to relax the body. This signals to your body it's time to wind down.
      3. Optimise Your Sleep Environment
        • Create a bedroom space that is comfortable and conducive to sleep. Keep it cool, dark and quiet. This includes having a relaxing ambiance, with supporting mattress and comfortable bedding. Minimising noise, disruptions, light and temperature disturbances assists sleeping well.
      4. Limit Blue Light Exposure Before Bed
        • Blue light emitted by phones, tablets, computers and TVs can interfere with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.
        • Best to put away all devices at least an hour before bedtime.
      5. Eating Well
        • Eating well is important for optimum wellness. Avoid large meals, excess sugar, caffeine, alcohol and nicotine close to bedtime. These can disrupt sleep or make it harder to get to sleep.  Caffeine in coffee, tea, cola or energy drinks have stimulating effects on the body.
      6. Movement and Exercise
        • Engaging in regular physical activity can help to promote better sleep.
      7. Managing Stress
        • Chronic stress can impact the quality of sleep. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation. Or have a regular massage at your favourite spa. These are great ways to quieten the mind and reduce stress.
      8. Short Naps
        • While short naps can be beneficial, long or irregular napping during the day can interfere with night time sleep. If you need to nap, try to keep it short (20-30 minutes) and earlier in the day.
      9. Hint: Minimise What You Drink Before Bedtime
        • Limit the intake of fluids close to bedtime to reduce the likelihood of waking up for multiple bathroom trips during the night.
      10. Regularly Expose Yourself to Natural Light
        • Getting exposure to natural light during the day, especially in the morning helps regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle.
        • Walking is a great way to exercise and relax body and mind.
      11. Seek Help if Needed
        • If you're consistently having trouble achieving a good night sleep, consider consulting a healthcare professional or sleep specialist. This may help identify and address any underlying issues that are affecting your sleep.

      References:   Websites from -

      1. National Sleep Foundation(NSF)
      2. American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)
      3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
      4. Mayo Clinic
      5. PubMed Database of biomedical literature - Scientific studies on sleep and related topics


      Check out our next blog as we share the many ways that the therapeutic benefits of Natural Elements Aromatherapy products can help promote relaxation, reduce stress and help you achieve a more restful sleep.


      Many people swear by the benefits of natural essential oils derived from concentrated plant extracts for anxiety and stress relief, improved mood and concentration, pain relief, clearer skin, and commonly the use of essential oils to help promote relaxation and sleep.

      A good nights’ sleep can really help improve our productivity and mood, as well as our immune system and long-term health and wellbeing.

      You may not be conscious of it, but sleep is one of the most important ways you spend your time. Without quality sleep, your brain and body don’t get the time out they need to rest, recover, and prepare for the day to come.

      If you experience insomnia or find yourself regularly lying awake, over time, sleep loss can have an impact on your health.


      If you have never used essential oils before, you might wonder how to get started?

      Inhalation is the most direct way to enjoy their benefits but you have other options, too. And remember, when smelling essential oils from the bottle, it is always wise to waft the fragrance under your nose rather than inhale directly.


      Essential oil diffusers offer a simple way to try aromatherapy for sleep. 

      If you already have a diffuser, or you’re planning to purchase one, our Natural Elements Aromatherapy (NEA) ultra-sonic diffusers are robust and safe for home use. Simply add a few drops of our very soothing and calming PEACEFUL or DE-STRESS blend as your sleep oil or custom oil blend NEA’s Lavender & Chamomile 3% or single essential oils like Lavender or Frankincense to the diffuser as bedtime approaches. 

      For safety, keep diffusers away from pets and small children. If you live with others, especially children and pets, make sure you only diffuse oils they can safely inhale. When in doubt, always talk to your child’s healthcare professional or your veterinarian.

      Evaporated Oil

      If you prefer not to inhale essential oils through a diffuser, you can give yourself some DIY aromatherapy by adding a few drops of essential oil to a handkerchief, tissue or cotton ball.  Leave it a few minutes. Then keep it nearby as you relax before bed. You can even tuck it into your pillowcase or leave it by your bedside.

      Bath Therapy

      A warm bath is a good night-time routine - you can ease yourself toward drowsiness with an essential oil bath. Do not, however, have a hot bath, keep it warm. Warm heat will activate the oils and contribute to a soothing sense of wellbeing.

      As oil and water do not mix, dilute 6 drops of essential oil, choose your favourite and mix with 2 tablespoons of milk. Shake well to emulsify the oil so it will disperse well in water. You can also dilute in a carrier oil but be careful as the bath may be slippery. Swish the diluted oil into the bath before getting in. Breathe deeply, relax and enjoy!

      Did you know that your feet can quickly absorb essential oils carrying their benefits throughout the body?  So, if you don’t have a bathtub, pour warm water into a large bowl and add your favourite diluted oils for a relaxing foot bath.

      Massage & Touch Therapy

      Many people find self or partner massage relaxing and calming. For a relaxing aromatherapy massage before bedtime, mix a few drops of your preferred single oils or blend with a tablespoon (15ml) of carrier oil. Try Natural Elements Aromatherapy Sweet Almond, Argan or Jojoba carrier oils for perfect blending for home massage.  Or use a preblended body oil like our RELAX oil which is perfect to bring a sense of calm before you nod off to slumber. Massage the body oil onto your chest, soles of your feet, shoulders, back of your neck, or any tense areas.  Using body oils topically by massaging them into your skin, gives longer-lasting effects as your skin absorbs the oil throughout the night.

      Note on dosage and dilution

      Essential oils should be diluted before applying them directly to the skin.

      For a massage blend, combine 1 tablespoon (15ml) of your preferred carrier oil with 2 to 3 drops of essential oil.

      • You can add essential oils to a diffuser without diluting them. Your diffuser will have instructions for safe use.
      • You don’t need to dilute oils before adding them to tissue, handkerchief, or cotton balls for evaporated inhalation.


      Get into a consistent routine – try going to bed at around the same time each night and take time for a relaxing soak in the bath or foot soak, a mini facial, self-massage, or your favourite book before bed; to help to relax and unwind.

      Watch your caffeine intake – Don’t have caffeine after midday – try switching to caffeine-free herbal teas and drinks instead. Caffeine can also be found in many items like tea, coffee, soft drinks, energy drinks, and some foods like chocolate.  So read labels carefully.     

      Limit screen time before bed – this is easier said than done, try giving yourself an hour, screen-free, before bed. Keep you phones away from the bedside and reduce blue light.

      Harness the power of pure essential oils – they have many properties to help aid a good night’s sleep. A few drops in the bath, an aroma diffuser or room spray are great ways to harness their powers.

      Track your sleep patterns via your smart phone or watch. This is a useful guide to look at sleep patterns and consistencies.

      And finally, the Power of Exercise

      Low impact exercise can be just as beneficial to your health.  Exercise, such as yoga, pilates and walking, puts less strain on your joints and can help prevent injury.  They are a great way for reducing stress levels and improving mental health.

      Buddy up – exercising with a friend is also good, as you get to chat and get things off your chest too.


      Essential oils seem to be popping up everywhere: department stores, pharmacies, online, at flea markets, and even your sister’s purse!    There is no denying the effect Aromatherapy and essential oils are making on our culture, lifestyle and wellbeing right now. With many brands proclaiming an endless list of benefits it is wise to know what the art and science of Aromatherapy is all about. Choosing the right quality brand you can trust for your wellbeing is so important. Natural Elements Aromatherapy essential oils have all the hallmarks of pure, high quality ingredients that provide the best therapeutic benefits.

      Read more

      Your Home Office


      We know that many of you are adjusting to a new home office environment. Here are suggestions to help create a work space that enhances wellness and reduces stress.


      Investing in your health and wellness is important to happiness. Make time to stretch between work and online meetings. Don’t eat junk food like soda & fries. Reach for water and fruits instead. Take 15-minute interval breaks to recharge. Be kind to yourself as you adjust to your new work environment.



      One of our favourite blends to diffuse to boost your mood and soothe your nerves while working from home is De-stress with lavender, mandarin, patchouli & yarrow essential oils. Or if you need a boost diffuse Focus to stay sharp and alert with lemon, rosemary, peppermint and geranium


      The Harvard Business Review wrote a great article commending the benefits, both physically and mentally, of devoting your energy to top-priority issues. Many employees are juggling family and work tasks, and find it difficult to pay attention to their core work tasks.

      • Create a dedicated space and working hours. If you have a spouse or housemates also working from home, if possible, try to set up separate working spaces so you don’t distract one another.
      • Have a work routine every day, treat it like a real job.
      • Write down the daily tasks to be achieved, be focused.
      • Take regular breaks with brief exercise and stretches to keep your body in shape.
      • Keep your spirits up, working from home can feel lonely. Check in regularly with your work mates for face to face contact.
      • Stock your work area with products you can use to protect and enhance your wellbeing ;         A spritz of your favourite mist, like Clean Air or Lemongrass spray to cleanse and uplift the environment. Diffuse De-Stress to ground you. Instead of defaulting to a coffee run, consider diffusing the refreshing blend of Energise, which is blended with grapefruit, lime, lemon, lemongrass and ginger to improve your mood and help you feel more alert.



      Office workers universally agree: Dull fluorescent lights can cause eye strain and tired eyes especially as the day goes on. Proper lighting can make a difference, consider pushing your makeshift desk close to your nearest window, the natural light will instantly refresh you and boost your body’s Vitamin D. While you’re at it, place some house plants nearby; studies show that greenery increases employees productivity by 15%.



      When you are feeling overwhelmed and uncertain, it can be difficult to get to sleep. One of best things we can do for our health is to get sufficient sleep as it helps us process our thoughts and allows our body to repair & strengthen daily. Sleep matters now more than ever, and we could use a relaxing bedtime routine.

      To cozy up, consider switching on your diffuser with Peaceful diffusion blend to promote a deep restful sleep with pure essential oils of lavender, orange, bergamot, yang ylang, marjoram, sandalwood and chamomile.

      For Your Health & Wellbeing

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      Create wellness and good vibes in your workspace with Aromatherapy.
      Be well and be healthy.

      Immunity Essentials


      The winter months in the northern hemisphere has a beautiful white snow-filled landscape. With the cool weather comes an increase in common illnesses such as coughs, colds, flus and other respiratory problems. You know the feeling when the symptoms of a cold or flu come up on you. Perhaps it’s a little tickle in the throat, or maybe a slight headache or just feeling a bit under the weather. Then it often turns to sneezing attacks (which spreads the germs to others!!) followed by the more familiar signs of runny nose, watery eyes, sore throat, cough, fever, aches and pains, feeling irritable, tired and out of sorts.

      So, how do we “catch” a cold and why doesn’t everyone get it? Why do some people always seem healthy and others are ill many times in the year?

      Our body has a wonderful system of checks and balances and a healthy immune response depends on many factors including stress levels, dietary  factors such as excess sugar, junk foods or alcohol consumption, occupational factors, frequent air travel and state of mind to name a few.


      Modern medicine has a philosophy of using powerful drugs to “kill” the invading germs. Whilst this approach is very useful for life threatening or acute situations, these drugs can affect our healthy cells or have negative side affects that may cause other healthy problems. The overuse of antibiotics can also affect our intrinsic natural healing ability and decrease our body’s immune response. They also lead to resistant microbes that require even stronger drug treatments with increased side affects.

      Aromatherapy utilities the power of pure essentials oils and provides a diverse and effective natural treatment to bring relief for many common symptoms of the respiratory system. Extensive scientific research including clinical trials has confirmed the effectiveness of powerful ‘broad spectrum’ essentials oils including Oregano, Thyme, Cinnamon, Clove and Savory. Others oils which have been found to be effective for immunity include Eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, Myrtle, Orange, pine, Niaouli, Ravensara and Tea Tree to name a few.

      So, back to those first few initial symptoms that we experience at the onset of a cold or flu. The most important thing to remember in self healing is to start using essential oils immediately when you feel the slightest symptom. Aromatherapy strengthens our immunity by working with it and early intervention is most helpful. Rest is vital, as sleep encourages our immune system to do its job. How often have you said to yourself that you are too busy to be sick? By continuing to work, coughing and sneezing away, you spread microbes to your colleagues and prolong your illness. You may also experience secondary bacterial infections and need to resort to antibiotics. When you take care of yourself by listening to your body getting plenty of rest, using natural remedies and supporting your immune system, you will feel the difference.

      Other tips:

      Encourage office management to diffuse essential oils in the work environment or do it yourself to keep the air around you as healthy as possible.

      Keep your oils handy in the office, at home and when travelling. It has been shown that frequent air travel lowers our immunity resulting in higher incidents of colds and flus. Take your immune boosters with you when you travel and use them often. Have an immune stimulating shower daily while away!

      Some Pure Essential Oils that are useful to enhance immunity include:


      Found throughout Asia, the best cinnamon comes from Sri Lanka and Madagascar. It has a long history of use by most ancient cultures including the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. It is also used in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.

      CHARACTERISTICS:  Steam distilled; the bark produces a sweet; rich spicy scent.

      PROPERTIES:  Antiseptic, antiputrefactive, antiparasidic, insecticide, stimulant, tonic.

      USES:  For general debility, weakness and general unwell feeling > For aches caused by fever or chill > As an antiseptic for contagious diseases, it’s been said to kill typhoid bacillus at a dose of 1 part in 300 > Effective against a wide range of microbes > For diarrhoea, dysentery, colitis and urinary tract infections > For breathing difficulties, colds and flu

      CAUTIONS:  May cause skin irritation



      There are over 700 different species of Eucalyptus, which originates from Australia and is now available from china. Eucalyptus is best used for respiratory conditions that are based within the chest, such as bronchitis, catarrh and coughs, and for inflamed conditions such as arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sprains, neuralgia and sciatica. It can also be beneficial for headaches, cold and fever.

      CHARACTERISTICS:  Steam distilled from the leaves producing a light yellow oil with a fresh, camphorous odour, and sweet woody notes.

      PROPERTIES:  Anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory. Antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, decongestant, expectorant, febrifuge.

      USES:  Valuable for treating respiratory system acting as a decongestant and antiseptic > loosening phlegm, opens aiways for easier breathing. Use for bronchial cough, coughs, colds, flu, catarrh, allergies, hayfever, sinusitis as an inhalation, oil burner or bath. Massage oil blend used on chest, throat and back. > For wounds, ulcers, acne as a compress or bath > For muscular aches, pains, rheumatism, arthritis, sprains as a compress, bath or diluted for a massage.

      CAUTIONS:  Poisonous if swallowed. Seek medical treatment immediately – do not induce vomiting. > Do not give to babies under 6 months.



      The citrus fresh smell of lemon with its crisp and clean aroma is a very useful and affordable oil for everyday use. Lemon has powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial properties to disinfect and cleanse and can stimulate the body’s immune system.

      • CHARACTERISTICS:  Cold pressed from the rind of the fruit; it is a pale yellow to greenish yellow with a very light, fresh, citrus odour.
      • PROPERTIES:  Anti-infectious, antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, diuretic, febrifuge, decongestant, hypotensive, rubefacient, venous tonic, tonic.
      • USES:  The anti-bactericidal properties stimulate white blood cell production. Use for colds, flu, fever, sore throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, influenza, pneumonia, asthma. > Has strong anti-infectious and antiviral activity. > Improves digestive function and conteracts acidity, liver cleanser. > For arthritis, rheumatism, gout, aches and pains > For concentration, mental fatigue and decision making.
      • CAUTIONS:  Lemon oil is photosensitising. It should not be applied to exposed skin prior to going out in the sun. Allow at least four hours after application before exposing skin to sunlight. > May cause skin irritation or sensitisation.


      Tea Tree

      The Australian Aborigines have long known the therapeutic properties of tea tree. The herb, tea, and extract were used to treat many afflictions. It is a small ahrub, with needle thin leaves and the essential oil is obtained from trees grown in Northern New South Wles and Queensland.

      • CHARACTERISTICS:  Steam distilled from the leaves and twigs produces a colourless to pale yellow coloured liquid with a powerful, fresh, warm, spicy-earthy odour.
      • PROPERTIES:  Antimicrobial, antiseptic, bactericidal, cicatrisant, expectorant, fungicidal, insecticidal.
      • USES:  Wide range of applications against infectious organisms such as bacteria, fungi and virus. > For bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, asthma, mucous congestion, allergies, hayfever, colds, flu as an inhalation, bath or compress. > Excellent first-aid remedy for cuts, scratches and wounds. > For itching and inflammation, insect bites, abscesses, wpunds, oily skin, warts, fungal infections, cuts, ulcers, tinea, cold sores as a bath, compress or diluted for massage. > Combine with lavender for pimples and acne; onto face and wipe off. > For control drandruff add afew drops to shampoo.
      • CAUTIONS:  Possible sensitisation in some individuals.



      Native to the Mediterranean region and Spain there are many species of thyme. It has a very long history of use for medicinal purposes. It has been extensively studied to demonstrate its bactericidal properties as early as 1887 and is one of the essential oils of choice for bronchial disorders.

      • CHARACTERISTICS:  Steam distilled from the flowering tops thyme oil has a strong herbal fragrance.
      • PROPERTIES:  Antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, cicatrisant, expectorant, insecticide, parasiticide, tonic, vermifuge, stimulant.
      • USES:  Wide range of applications against infectious organisms. > For coughs including whooping cough, bronchitis, sinusitis, mucous congestion, head colds, tonsillitis, sore throat, asthma, boils, sores, skin antiseptic, intestinal infections and parasites. > For physical & mental fatiguw, anxiety, revives low spirits.
      • CAUTIONS:  Can irritate mucous membranes. Use in moderation and low dilutions.